You need the Science Perk to improve this Weapon. This may even be an improvement if you dislike the Gauss rifle's grinding noise when it charges. How to defend a settlement against charred feral ghouls? All legendary loot is random. Thanks for contributing an answer to Arqade! The bolts form into toroids in the plasma chamber, which are then sent down a superconducting barrel, propelled by, and in some models stabilized by, electromagnetic claws upon exiting it.

Update your shipping location 7 S 0 P O N S O A R P A 7 E E D-1 … The Last Minute. Automatic Plasma Rifle is a Automatic Weapon in Fallout 4. , The Winchester Model P94 is a bulky, industrial-grade energy caster, firing superheated bolts of plasma down a superconducting barrel, ending in electromagnetic claws helping to stabilize the plasma bolt. I haven't been to that location to pick it up, I've found mine from random drops. Fallout 4 Best Plasma legendary? It's due east from the Corvega Assembly Plant. How does a Combat Rifle beat a Sniper Rifle? (~75% chance) Mod Slots. This would lead to corporations like REPCONN Aerospace and Poseidon Energy undertaking projects intended to replace the P94.